Thursday, August 18, 2011

Farina (aka. Cream of Wheat)

I have always loved Farina. Nice bowls of steaming hot cereal sprinkled with brown sugar and topped with creamy milk. Reminds me of winter mornings in my childhood.  This year I finally realized that you don't have to buy the boxes of Farina (or Cream of Wheat) you can make it from freshly ground flour!

I found this recipe in More-With-Less cookbook (It's a great cookbook)

Ground Wheat Breakfast Cereal

Bring to a boil
3 cups Water
Combine seperately and add:
1 cup cold water
1 cup ground wheat
2 tsp salt

Stir constantly while thickening to prevent lumps. Heat and cook 15-20 min. Serve with milk and sugar, honey or molasses.
Grace Geiser, Apple Creek Ohio

But I love the lumps. So I boil all the water, add the salt and then add the ground wheat and I minimally stir.  So good. Today I am having it with brown sugar, blueberries, a handful of almonds and milk. Yum!

Ps. I couldn't find my camera so no pictures today :(


  1. haha. The lumps.
    Last time I made farina I took this lump-loving a bit to the extreme and had to add a good tablespoon extra of the farina so it wasn't soup!
    Does it taste the same? Amazing. I wonder if you can make it with other grains that are not wheat...

  2. Lynne,

    It tastes pretty similar- I think I like it better though. It has a slight nutty taste b/c of the whole wheat. It's a lot heartier too. I haven't tried it with other grains but I'm sure it would be good. Yay, for lumps!
